Paper Doll Heaven

    paper doll

  • a piece of paper cut or folded into the shape of a human being
  • Paper dolls are figures cut out of paper, with separate clothes usually held onto the dolls by folding tabs. They have been inexpensive children’s toys for almost two hundred years. Today, many artists are turning paper dolls into an art form.
  • A piece of paper cut or folded into the shape of a human figure
  • In computer and console role-playing games, a paper doll is a way of representing a character’s inventory and currently used equipment.


  • Eden: any place of complete bliss and delight and peace
  • (heavenly) celestial: relating to or inhabiting a divine heaven; “celestial beings”; “heavenly hosts”
  • God (or the gods)
  • the abode of God and the angels
  • A place regarded in various religions as the abode of God (or the gods) and the angels, and of the good after death, often traditionally depicted as being above the sky
  • A state of being eternally in the presence of God after death

paper doll heaven

TAG GAME: Dolls on your Desk

TAG GAME: Dolls on your Desk
Tagged by Deejay Bafaroy, Summer-Sun

I didn’t have time to tag everyone, so please, if you see this, consider yourself tagged!

So at first I didn’t want to do this tag, but I decided to give it a try. So this is my desk in my office area, and I have added notes above for a description of each item. I edited a white block over the doll in the dio area, because it is for the HFTM Finale! I use that foamboard structure for almost all my photos, and open the blinds for some natural light. I usually have a plethera of dolls all over my desk, but I just cleaned it last weekend. On the wall adjacent to the desk, I have a bookshelf displaying some of my dolls, but I will have to take some picutres of that some other time. The rest of my dolls are in a large closet with the rest of my dio stuff, and I have two more closets stuffed with more dio accessories, backdrops, etc. Would anyone like to see picutres of those?

By the way, I will have the "Coachella Fashion" tag up this week hopefully!

2013-03-15 17.37.25

2013-03-15 17.37.25
new light source test
room light + front lamp + table lamp w/ 1 sock, red
(I placed a thin sock over the bare light bulb to dull the glare)
effect was achieved using red tissue paper
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